So I don't know about you but I always loved the Blue Ranger. The Pink Ranger was always the girls (and boys) favorite girl and the red ranger was typically the boys (and girls) favorite boy. But I, I always liked the underdog. Billy was all that and a bag of chips. He was always kinda cute and plus he was a total genius. The he blossomed from this nerdy kid to this very attractive young man. I think that's why I really like nerds, I'm hoping they'll transform into Billy. Anyways, here I was going down memory lane and so I googled David Yost aka Billy aka Blue Power Ranger and he looks pretty good for forty, just saying.
He's still the best looking. Hands down. If I was in trouble I'd want the Blue Power Ranger to rescue me, I don't care how old he is!
This will be my third appointment within the time frame of three weeks and I'm dreading this one a lot. My appointment will be for 2 hours, yes, 2 hours. 2 hours of pure embarrassment and talking with my mouth held open. 2 hours of those gut wrenching dentist tool sounds, 2 hours of my lips getting dry, my face getting numb and my jaw being ultimately sore for weeks. Consequently, that same night I have band practice for worship on Sunday, we'll see how that goes. I know I'll be in some serious pain. but no pain, no gain, and the worship is for god, so even if I can't open my mouth all the way, God will love it, right?
However my favorite Dentist would have to be Steve Martin. Good movie, good song, baddddd dentist.
Things just start piling up if I don't deal with them, and I don't deal with a lot of things. I slept in today. Longer than I have in a while. But I knew as soon as I woke up something wasn't right. It's like you sleep too long and you miss something and it throws your whole day off.. One after another things seems to be falling apart, not at a phenomenal rate, but just enough to shake it up. And not in the good, "try new things" way of shaking things up. I know I shouldn't complain in fact there is very little to complain about in comparison to other's lives. Those around me, people I barely know. But today I just feel a little broken. I have work 5 to close today, and I just have a feeling something is gonna go wrong. I hope it doesn't, goodness. I hope it doesn't. I'm dealing with a broken heart at the moment. Getting fired isn't really on my agenda.
Out of all the little stars that come out of hollywood, I think only one has truly stepped outside of the box. She did the whole bubblegum pop but honestly, her newest CD was phenonmenal. And yes, I do have it in my collection.
There are very few mainstream muscians that impress me, but Mandy Moore is one of them. Not only is she gorgeous and amazingly talented. She hasn't let the little petty trends of today bother her. She's healthy. I honestly wish I could be able to sing 1/2 as good as her. She's what I aim for I think, to have that passion, that talent. That's what I want.
I've been researching larping, alot. Seeing what kind of world I'm going to have to put one foot in come college. While it's all very weird, I will admit, the passion and dedication these people possess is a bit inspiring. It's an escape, like me with music or an artist with paint, it's all an escape. It's only when that pretend world starts affecting your real one that a problem presents itself.
I will go and fight, or at least watch and meet people. I also am going to be on the newspaper staff, so who knows, perhaps I can do a feature on it?
I'm a big fan of documentaries, believe it or not. So I will rent and watch this, when it comes out on video.
Just finished this bizarre movie with my mom. The cover of it was very "Flight of the Conchords-esque" and even the little blurb on the back sounded cute. Plus it had Molly Shannon and John C. Reilly, so I thought, it has to be amusing.
Weirdest movie I've seen in a while. Good, but weird. It definitely redefines puppy love.
I just finished watching this fascinating documentary on High School debate. It follows students through the fast pace, high intensity life of debate. There were many groups followed but the debate seemed to be surrounded by one sole group.
Richard and Louis, two very strong debaters, who are of the african heritage, used this high school debate as a ploy for their fight for freedom and used it as a cause to make their point known about Racisim.
They believed that while the majority of people who debated in the program were white and rich, therefore, of an elite group and the rules and guidelines of debate excluded anyone of humble or regular origin. While their debate was passionate and I believe does present some factual evidence I also feel that by claiming everyone who debated by the rules that were required in debate was therefore presenting a racist ideal REALLY got under my skin.
It's a bit hypocritical to call one group of people racist simply on what they've been taught, without getting to know the person. Because I was born white does not make me automatically a racist but that is exactly what they were claiming. There's no validity in their point if by assuming one to be racist they are in fact being racist themselves.
They cried for a fight against racismn and quoted Martin Luther King and Malcom X, but they personally were not involved in the kind of riducule that was bestowed upon their ancestors. And they also were NOT the only people put under that sort of oppression.
Maybe I'm being a little too passionate and taking it all a little too personally but I believe it is reverse discrimintation that is really hitting this nation hard. The used-to-be miniority races claim because of something that our ancestors decided makes us all racist and they fight like they have a personal chip on their shoulder. My family comes from a native american background but you don't see me fighting for their rights, and they were opprssed and killed off just like slaves.
And by making this argument against it, I'm sure I will be labeled as a racist but, if Richard and Louis can claim some sort of victim role then why can't I?
I'm tough. I like watching movies and acting like an adult. I laugh at horrible jokes and enjoy reading the backs of books. That would be a cool job. I like sweets so much that I'm a size 10. I'm not funny but I'm slightly witty. I was born 10 years too late.