Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Bah Humbug

Today does not feel like christmas. I woke up at 10:30 this morning, I missed It's a Wonderful Life last night and can't find our copy, and to top it off my mom has a set time for everything. Lunch at 12,Travis comes over at 11:45, so we have to open our presents before then. I don't care about the damn presents really, I just want the happy family back. "We have to open them before they get here." Have. The only time "have" should be used today is to say, Have a Merry Christmas. It used to be about leisure and joy and spending time with the family, instead its a scheduled holiday so my mom can have time to go play her stupid Second Life. If you want to know what I really want for Christmas..I want that game to dissapear. If you don't know what it is, it's this online application. Think Sims, but lamer. haha. And my mom is addicted to that game. My mom got lost somewhere in that game.
So as I leave to go open up my not heart filled presents, and spend time with my less than enthused family, I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas. Hope yours is a wonderful time of love and laughter. I'll be lucky if I even crack a smile, I feel like Scrooge. :/

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Ice Skating, and fender benders and pancakes OH MY

Last night was my first fender bender.
And I'm gonna tell you, I handled it like a pro!

So we were leaving the ice skating rink.
Which was fun, and chilly. But I LOVED it.
I'm gonna go back again soon.

Anyway, back to the big chaotic accident. (hahaha)
The driver (dani) was distracted by a certain boy and didn't see the girl in front of her hit her brakes. The accident felt worse than it was.

So we pull into this restaurant to asses the damage.
The girl gets out and this guy pulls up next to her..her boyfriend.
His arms were crossed, like he was some body guard.
(I guess those are extra boyfriend points to him.)

So the girl comes out of her car, yelling all sorts of profanity.
Dani gets out and us 4 girls stay in the car, I can see Dani freaking out a little bit..the battle of the cars seems a little unfair.
So I jump out, cross my arms, and act like Dani's bodyguard.
I get on the phone, call the trusty dusty dad on what all we need to get insurance, phone numbers, license plate numbers etc.
(That's what dad's are good for.)

The girl calms down, apologies are had, and it seems like it's gonna be one of those "Eh its not bad at all, we'll just forget it happened," kind of cases.

After that we IHOPed to calm Dani's nerves.
Our waiter's name was Grant.
He gave us free cocoa.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Wake Up Call

You can be the most annoying, most jerk-ish person in the world.
But when something bad happens that all goes away.

My night was filled with drama.
From friends fighting over the dumbest things,
to a guy who's in critical condition after a horrible work accident.

It makes you realize, no matter how bad life may seem, it could get worse.
And Tim may have been a jerk to me but I don't care, I'm so worried.
I know all I can do is pray, pray and pray.
But I'm not good at thinking positive and I despise the phrase
'It'll all be okay" because you can't promise that.

But God just in case you are a frequent reader of uninteresting blogs
I need Tim to be okay....please.
I'd appreciate the favor.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

John Baileys Unmentionable

Oh, today in Spanish.
[Spanish is where most of my stories occur.]
Today we were supposed to be doing our chapter reviews.
But instead we got on the topic of a fellows member.
Which is apparently legendary in the locker room, according to the football players.
(That worries me a bit..) but it was funny to say the least.

Apparently John Bailey's well, we're all adults, so I'm gonna be frank.
John Bailey's penis was responsible for the following:
  • the discovery of America
  • the crucification of Christ (apparently that one was on the History channel)
  • the deaths of Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and JFK
  • it is fed live mice and has venom more deadly than a cobra
  • it was featured in March of the Penguins (it is where the penguins found shelter.)
  • and is the cause for global warming
It was way too early in the morning for a conversation like this.
But it was a sad realization that my mind works like a man's.
And I'm not sure if I'm proud of that or not...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Throw Up Your Gang Signs

Being in high school you notice lots of things.
Couples making out in the hallways,
typical drama of "who's dating whom"
and an excessive amount of flailing arms.

One can only accredit this towards the idiotic ideas of todays teens.
I mean, there I am, in Spanish, talking to one of my acquaintances
(I can't quite call him a friend, because outside of that class, we don't talk.)
But there we are talking, some random kid walks into the class
and Stids throws up his arms in this hugging motion,
which I can only assume meant, "sup."

Except if I was the kid receiving such hand gesture,
I would've thought Stids was acting like a bear.
I literally saw in my mind "Sup, I'm a bear."
But I don't think people typically think the way I do.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

inflamed taste buds

Yeah, so I don't like the format of this at all, it's odd.
Oh I also don't like people who can't do math.
40 divided by 4, is most definitely 10 not 12.

Got a Christmas Card.
The Office. Fantastic.

Oh and I looked it up; those bumps on your tongue,
the inflamed ones that hurt like hell,
apparently you're not supposed to try and pop.
But that's dumb. I pop them, and they turn out fine.

There Trevor

you happy? I finally created one.
and I deleted my xanga.