Friday, January 16, 2009

Cyberspace Love?

So I just turned 19, like my previous post stated, I'm pretty sure. And on the night of my birthday I clicked on some wrong thing and it ended me up on this online dating site. Now I'm an adult and can fill out stuff like this, so I did because let's be honest, I was lonely.

After putting up a picture and filling out a few questionnaires, I found this chatroom thing, and if you have a webcam you can video chat, which is neat, because you actually see the people's reactions to things instead of just assume. I liked that quite a bit. Okay, so I'd say 80 percent of the people on there were on there things, which is totally NOT why I was on there, because to tell you the truth, I just kind of filled it out on a whim. And just a fun fact here, I'm attractive to old not attractive men. Yay me.

Well anyways, tonight, second night on the site, and there's a little sidebar where you can see the people with webcams, and there's this one guy, mildly attractive, but the kind of guy who, you know is too good looking for me. I set my own limits, which is a terrible thing. But back to my story. So this guy says he has the hiccups in the public chat and I tell him my little secret (If you have the hiccups, you say "What swims in water? A fish!" and they go away..seriously, they do.) And it worked for mr. ripped fence guy. So I told him he was cute, I mean what do you say to strike up a conversation? "Oh did you hear about the plane that landed in the Hudson? yeah it was most likely caused by birds." But I digress, he replies with this charming answer expected and we end up talking for about 4 hours. Online. Never met. Talked for four hours, and then my computer wigged out, and so I said night and went on my way.

Now besides this guy having the kind of smile that just makes you blush, (which, I took a bathroom break somewhere in the middle and my gosh, I was blushing,) he made really good conversation. We talked about movies and music, and had some silly competition about who was more intelligent. It was fun. And I laugh at those online dating site commercials because they seem so cheesy, but are we too quick to judge the whole possibility of finding someone via the Internet, and I mean someone serious?

Shaun was a decent guy and we had real conversations, and the whole webcam added a whole different level to it, I mean I could see him laugh at my jokes and he could, see me blush. Ha. It was more personal than just typing a sentence in a box. Part of me hopes that Shaun and I spark up conversation again, and the other part is maybe trying to be a bit more open minded. Is the Internet a new way to go about love? Or simply a disaffected vice?


racheld said...

Ha ha....I totally forgot I subscribed to your blog...but this post was a fun reminder! I am like you & I am not sure about the whole internet dating thing...but I am pretty sure you need to keep updating us on you & shawn! Have fun this semester!

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